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Men's Health

Family Medicine, Aesthetic and Integrative Medicine, Medical Weight Loss, Precision Medicine & Bioidentical Hormone Specialists in Montgomery, TX
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Men's Health services offered in Montgomery, TX

Many health conditions that affect men’s health are preventable. At Stone Creek Family Medicine in Montgomery, Texas, Jeremy McWilliams, DO, Ginger McMillian, FNP-C, Courtney Groves, FNP-C, and the experienced team take a comprehensive and integrative approach to men’s health, focusing on preventing disease and promoting true wellness. For a proactive approach to health, call Stone Creek Family Medicine to schedule an appointment today.

Men's Health Q&A

Why is men’s health important?

Men’s health is important because men have unique health concerns that benefit from specialized care. Unfortunately, men are less likely to visit their health care provider than women, missing out on important health screenings and education that can prevent health problems.

Stone Creek Family Medicine specializes in men’s health, taking a more proactive and individualized approach. The team takes the time to really listen and get to know their patients and create individual plans that work. 

For men’s health, they take a comprehensive and integrative approach, focusing not only on screening for disease, but on preventing and promoting true wellness.

What common health conditions affect men’s health?

Men are at risk of many health conditions. Though genetics affect your risk of disease, so does your lifestyle. Many of the health conditions commonly seen in men are preventable.

Common health issues men face include:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Low testosterone
  • Depression
  • Prostate cancer
  • Colon cancer

The team at Stone Creek Family Medicine conducts thorough evaluations when you come in for care, asking about your personal medical history, family history, and lifestyle habits.

They also run lab work to screen for diseases and risk factors that may affect your future health. 

The information they gather during your visit helps them create your individualized wellness plan. 

What preventive measures benefit men’s health?

The goal of your men’s health treatment plan at Stone Creek Family Medicine is to prevent disease and boost your overall well-being. They want you to live a long, healthy, and active life and provide you with the preventive tools you need to stay well.

Some of the preventive measures the team at Stone Creek Family Medicine may recommend to boost your health include:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Finding ways to manage stress
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Getting an adequate amount of sleep

The family medicine practice also offers treatments to boost wellness like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for low testosterone, hair restoration for hair loss, and weight loss to help you get to your healthy weight.

The full-service practice also provides chronic disease management, helping you take a more proactive approach to managing chronic health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

Your health is important and the team at Stone Creek Family Medicine can provide the support and guidance you need to manage it. Call the office to schedule your men’s health appointment online.