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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Family Medicine, Aesthetic and Integrative Medicine, Medical Weight Loss, Precision Medicine & Bioidentical Hormone Specialists in Montgomery, TX
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Hormone Replacement Therapy services offered in Montgomery, TX

Hormonal changes can disrupt normal body functions, affecting your physical and mental health. At Stone Creek Family Medicine in Montgomery, Texas, Jeremy McWilliams, DO, Ginger McMillian, FNP-C, Courtney Groves, FNP-C, and the patient-centered team offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to restore hormone balance and improve well-being. They use Biote® and EvexiPEL® hormone pellets to individualize treatment, along with injections, topical gels, and bioidentical hormone creams. Call the office today to schedule your hormone replacement therapy consultation.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Q&A

What do hormones do?

Hormones are part of your body’s messaging system. They’re tiny chemicals made in your endocrine glands that travel through your blood to coordinate different body functions, including your:

  • Metabolism
  • Mood
  • Reproduction
  • Sleep cycle
  • Stress response

Hormones are powerful and your body only needs a small amount to make things happen. Any slight change in blood hormone levels, up or down, can have a significant effect on how you feel and function. 

When do I need hormone replacement therapy?

You may need hormone replacement therapy (HRT) if you have a decrease in blood hormone levels. Though changes in hormone production may involve any hormone, sex hormones are most often the hormones used for HRT.

Sex hormones include the male hormone testosterone and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. As you get older, the production of these hormones naturally slows down. 

Though symptoms vary, many of the health problems associated with aging are due to declining hormone levels, including:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Thin, dry skin
  • Low libido
  • Mood changes
  • Hot flashes
  • Joint pain

If you’re feeling a little out of sorts and can’t pinpoint the cause, schedule a consultation at Stone Creek Family Medicine to see if hormones are to blame. They provide HRT for women during menopause and testosterone replacement therapy for men.

The family medicine practice also provides HRT for hypothyroidism, a hormone condition that affects the production of the thyroid hormones that control your metabolism.

Pellets or pills? What hormone replacement therapy is best?

The team at Stone Creek Family Medicine takes an individualized approach and works closely with you to determine what type of HRT is the right choice for you.

They offer many options, including bioidentical hormone pellet therapy with Biote® and EvexiPEL®. With hormone pellets, the team customizes your HRT to match your specific hormone needs. They place the pellets under your skin for a steady release of hormones.

Stone Creek Family Medicine also offers injections, topical gels, and bioidentical creams to optimize hormone balance.

What does hormone replacement therapy feel like?

You should experience a boost in mood, energy, and motivation within a month or so after starting HRT. The team schedules regular follow-up visits to monitor symptoms and hormone levels.

They adjust and replace your pellets as needed.

Call Stone Creek Family Medicine today to schedule a consultation to find out more about hormone replacement therapy.